Is it weird that I have a cat that is 20 years old? I mean, really. She is TWENTY...I got her when I was FIVE. She's totally deaf but still runs around like a crazy kitty. I can't remember a time when I didn't have her in my life. When or IF she ever does die...I won't know what to do with myself. This is the kitty twilight zone...welcome to my world.
You know those no seeums or whatever the heck they call those things?!?!? I HATE THEM! They are EVERYWHERE here in the summertime. Anyway. I got back to Jackson today. Uneventful trip yippee. Listened to a B O R I N G book on CD, but I will probably finish it anyway, since I never leave a book unfinished. Bill Mahr SUCKS as a human being. I know I shouldn't say things like that about people, but REALLY...he called Jesus an "imaginary friend!" I mean, is that REALLY necessary? And what ticked me off even more was that #1 HBO would air a horrible stand up show like that, and #2 that the thousands of people there were cheering this idiot ON! What is UP with that?!?! I saw this program last WEEK and it's still bothering me enough to write in down in my second paragraph.A at G's work is SERIOUSLY screwed up...she is a freaking manager and she eats stuff off people's plates before she takes it out to the table...she eats stuff off the salad bar with her BARE HANDS in front of customers....she takes shots of alcohol, on the clock, in her uniform, in front of staff and customers...she serves MINORS alcohol...I don't even know where to START with that one. W is very nonconfrontational and won't do a dang thing about it...poor G...he needs to get into macrame or something!K had a great first day of highschool. According to her, and I quote, "The school was great, the teachers were great and there are TONS of hot guys there." Were there hot guys in highschool when I was 14, ten years ago? Ugh...did I say that out loud? I was totall
y boy crazy at her age. And she seems to be taking after her big sister, Lord HELP HER! :) She's seriously the coolest kid ever. I ENJOY talking to her unlike a lot of teenagers who bore me out of my mind with petty stuff. But she's great. But I may be a bit partial! Cuz A is doing pretty well. I miss our old days, but I'm glad that she's married with a great stepson now. She has a terrific hubby and she's a great mom. Which is great since she didn't and DOESN'T have the best of mom's herself. But she's perservered. And I know she'll keep doing so. She's is, has been, and always will be one of my best friends. We just "click" like that. I think it's cause we share middle names. It's weird being in this house without the dogs. I'm used to them barking when Dad comes home, so earlier he scared the crapola out of me. Crazy Indian. I love the smell of the new Downy Simple Pleasures vanilla and jasmine...YUM. Send me some free stuff.I wish I could bend down to paint my own toenails, cause Mom comes after me with that pointy wooden thing beforehand and it looks like Freddy Kruger has gotten a hold of my toes. I wish I could be an artist and make money at it. I wish that I could keep my room clean and organized and not just "intend" to keep it that way.Sometimes I wonder, What might have been.Sometimes I buy books just because they are cheap at a thrift store and I like the look of the cover. I don't even read what it's about before I buy it. Mostly, I end up liking them. I wish I could be a photographer and make money at it. I hate cross stitching and knitting and anything having to do with a stick and thread...makes me nervous, although my mom is terrific at it and has tried to teach me...unfortunately, neither of us are patient so her teaching me something that frustrates me just is NOT a good plan.I still have a CD with New Kids on the Block songs on it...hangin tough. I wish that this woman upstairs from us would stop doing kickboxing in every room of her house. I can't wait until the new Casting Crowns CD comes out. I like that Mom has learned most of the words to all the songs, and now enthusiastically talks to other people about them. I love that my mom is so into her faith now. I miss M and Grandpa D.
Peace out home chili fries!~MareBear