March 20, 2006

Some Random Things You May Not Know About Me

I used to have my eyebrow pierced. Yep, that's right. And my highschool graduation pictures show it proudly much to my parents' chagrin.

I used to be engaged. Yep, that's right. I was a teenager. I was stupid. He was a moron. And the ring was itty bitty and ugly. Some of my highschool graduation pictures ALSO show that piece of lovely jewelry. Much to mine AND my parents' chagrin.

I once ate a cricket covered in strawberry syrup...and I wasn't paid any money for it.

I can belch just as good as any man...and I am NOT ashamed to admit it.

I snort when I laugh. I mean, you have to get me laughing pretty darn hard...and I have to not be paying attention. But if you catch me in the right moment. I'll snort. Yes, I sure will. And boy, it's a doozy.

I talk baby talk to my cat. Oh, you SO did not already know that!

I have this uncanny ability to identify actors' voices in animated movies, animated tv shows and voice overs in commercials. Yeah, you know I'm cool.

I say "Bowl" not "Boyl" for the word BOIL. Like, I would like some bowled eggs please. And "Ole" not "Oyl" for the word OIL. Like, I'm gonna go get my ole changed. This annoys and cracks up my parents to no end. Especially my dad who just today asked me who Popeye's girlfriend was just to hear me say "Olive OLE."

I am someone's blue marshmallow.

I was born with a hole in my lung.

I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever meet. If I don't like the texture, temperature, color, smell, or the way a food looks back at ME...I'm not eating it.

But I do like peanut butter and turkey sandwiches.

I love snakes, but I am scared to death of cockroaches. And every time I see one, I name him Charlie and scream for someone to come kill him for me.

I have this recurring nightmare that I am going to die from falling. Falling from a very high place. I am not afraid of heights. I am afraid of falling.

I am allergic to shellfish and shrimp.

I had childhood asthma, I grew out of it, and now I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

I bite my fingernails.

I wear my seatbelt.

I know how to change a flat tire. In the middle of the desert even.

I have loved so much it hurt. I have laughed so hard I cried. I have felt so much I went numb. I have walked until my legs gave out. I have slept for 4 days straight. I have stayed awake for 4 days straight. I have given. I have taken. I have won. I have lost. And I will do it again. Love more, laugh more, live more.

And stomp on more Charlies.