Bruce Wayne is a pure bred miniature rat terrier. And OH MY GOODNESS what a cutie he is. He prances around in absolute show dog style some of the time...the other times...he tears around like...well, like Batman. And his EARS are his best feature. He's very confident about them. Carries them well. The kitchen is his own "puppy condo" where he stays when mommy and daddy are both at work during the day. He has a crate where all of his toys are kept...and WOWZA is there a pile of them! My cousin Tammy (aka Tamster) and her fabulous hubby Justin are Brucie's mommy and daddy. I think having a puppy has been a lesson for them...Hey guys!! Here's what it'll be like to have a baby...well, take the pee and poop and sleepless nights and add some crying and drool and throw in horrible teenage years and multiply it times...oh, say 4 million!!! ; ) Love you guys!!! Give Brucie a big ole kiss from his godmomma!!
Oh yeah! And to see more pics of Brucie AND his mommy and daddy...go check out the My Pictures link!!
*Peace Out Peeps*