April 24, 2006

Things I Want To Do Before I Die

*Marry a man that I love and who will love me with everything he has. A man who will add to my happiness. A man who will be my partner. A man who will write his own lyrics to the song in his soul. A man who will make me feel special and beautiful inside and out all the time. A man who I can trust and will trust me right back. A man that will "be there" always and forever.

*Have a child or children that I can raise to be good and strong people. People that I can be proud to call my own. I want to have the experience of making a baby with someone that I love and watching that little baby grow up to be a great person someday.

*Write that book that I keep threatening to write. I have a subject. Everyone CLAIMS I have the talent. I just have to start believing in myself enough to do it. I honestly don't think that I can compare to the Nicholas Sparks and Danielle Steels out there...but maybe I'll give it a shot. If anything, just to get some things off my chest.

*Go to Paris. For that matter, I'd love to just travel abroad ANYWHERE. But particularly Paris. I want to see the Eiffel Tower at night. Just once.

*Renew some old friendships from the past. It's amazing to me how people drift apart. How you can be so close to people and then POOF! I would love to have this HUGE network of friends. Some people say that it's better to have just a few VERY close friends. And maybe that's true. But I believe that the more people you love, the bigger and stronger your heart is. And I don't see anything wrong with having a lot of friends spread out all over the country. Jeez. NONE of my friends even live in the same STATE as I do!

*Make some friends in the same state as I live. Even better. The same zip code.

*Get stronger in my faith. Walk the walk. The other day I was talking to a friend of mine about some library books I had gotten. When I told her that they were Christian books, she was a little surprised at that. I told her, "Yeah, I guess you wouldn't know from talking to me that I have a lot of Christian books." She laughed and said, "NOPE!" Well, that made me feel INCREDIBLY ashamed. And that's an understatement. I felt more like crawling under the nearest rock and hoping God hadn't just been watching that. Maybe He had been getting a non-fat latte at Heavenly Starbucks at that moment...but I doubt it. So, needless to say, I need to work on that. It was a bit of a wake up call for me. More like a huge slap in the face or a bucket of ice water thrown over my head. Kind of funny...a few days before all of this, I found a church that I think Mom and I are going to try going to. The Big Guy has His ways, doesn't He? If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat!

*Relax! Stop taking life and everything IN it so seriously. That's pretty much self explanatory. And I'm getting better at this one. WAY better. If you had put me through what I'm going through now, 2 years ago...WOAH...stay OUTTA MY WAY!! I would not have been a pleasant person to be around. But I still need to work on my sensitivity level, and I just need to learn to go with the flow a little bit more. And I know SO many people out there who could use this one in their list.

*Career- This is a tough one because I want so badly to write professionally. But that's a HARD thing to do and make money at it right away. So, once I get back on my feet physically, pun TOTALLY intended, I want to do something that I LIKE doing. And yes, this is everyone's dream, but I have been given a chance to take the time out to figure OUT what I want to do when it's time to go back to work. So...I will have to get back to you on this subject. I have some ideas, but nothing substantial.

*Get back to playing the guitar and maybe even writing my own songs again. And get good enough to where I WON'T be mortified if someone asks me to play for them.

*Grow. And no, I don't mean get TALLER. I want to keep growing and learning every single day of my life. I hope I never ever stop. I want to use the talents I've been given and not keep them bottled up. I want to LIVE and not just sit around NOT living anymore. I want to learn and experience new things and meet new people. I just want to BE.

*Add to this list. I want to keep adding to this list everytime I think of something else I want to do before I die. And this is a rather SHORT list. A general list. There isn't too much that is detailed on here. I'm sure I could think of a million LITTLE things I want to do, but this is a good start. I think all of us should take a "life inventory" at some point. Check in with ourselves and see how we're doing.

Hopefully, I'll live a long, full life. But if I don't, I know that I have learned and loved a lot in the life that I have lived so far. But it's good to think about how I could make my next years better. How I can learn and love and live a little bit better and a little bit more. And after writing this...I'm kinda looking forward to it!

Oh, and if you're still sitting there wondering if I meant you on the RELAX and go with the flow statement...you know...the one where I said that I knew SO many people who could use this one their list? If you are STILL sitting here getting a little defensive, thinking I might have meant you, then yes, I meant you.

Love to all as always!
