March 25, 2006

Who says?

Who says I can't eat spoonfuls of peanut butter and call that a lunch?

Who says my cat can't beat your cat in a cuteness war? BRING IT!

Who says that I can't say "ole", or that Mom can't say "hose pipe", or that Denise can't say "SHAMpoo"? Who made you king of phonetics and the English language? I'll say abracaDAMNdabra if I want to.

Who says I can't believe in love at first sight? Watch me.

Who says I can't cry for no reason at all? It's MY party...I'll cry if I want to!

Who says I have to hold the door open for you when you are walking through behind me so it doesn't slam in your face? I don't...but I do it anyway...but you know what? YOU DO have to say thank you!

Who says we can't all just get along? If everyone would just shut up and realize that my opinion is the only one that counts...we'd all have it made! <---And for those of you out there who read this and think, Oh mah gah...what a SELFISH PERSON...YOU are the ones we need to start with on the "making the world a better place" scenario....LEARN TO APPRECIATE SARCASM PEOPLE! Humor is what makes the world go round.

Who says that I can't pick a couple's name from the phone book...send the wife 2 dozen roses with a note saying they are from her husband...hope he takes the credit...and maybe, just maybe, spark a change in a relationship that has needed to happen for a decade?

Who says I can't believe in miracles?

Who says I'm TOO short, TOO fat, TOO tan, TOO loud, TOO dramatic, TOO sensitive, TOO emotional, TOO analytical, TOO proud, TOO attached, TOO impulsive? Does someone out there have a sharpie that draws the line before "TOO" on all a standardized TOO-ness of the world? Or is it judged on an individual basis?

Who says I can't watch soap operas and like them? You gotta problem with that??? HUH?

Who says I'm too old in the rain, color in coloring books, watch cartoons, wish big, love Winnie the Pooh with a passion, eat dry Cheerios one by one with my fingers, build a fort with blankets and the dining room chairs, let my mom brush my hair, walk barefoot EVERYWHERE, drink milk through a crazy straw, listen to a bedtime story, love with the wholeheartedness of a child?

Who says I have to end this post now? Nobody...but I'm gonna.