August 31, 2005
Another Random Quiz
1. First name? Mare
2. Were you named after anyone? Yeppers! But you didn't ask WHO!
3. Do you wish on stars? No, I pray...but stars sure are purdy
4. When did you last cry? When I found out that Grandma L's house was okay
5. Do you like your handwriting? My handwriting is beautiful...another reason that I am not qualified to be a doctor
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? waffles
7. When is your birthday? Sometime this year
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? AGAIN I WILL REPEAT...I have a CD that has New Kids On The Block on it...(and from previous posts, I have been ordered to write that my best friend K MADE that CD for me!)
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I would be my girlfriend...or boyfriend...or, uh...whatever
10. Do you have journal? You are reading it
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
13. Would you bungee jump? If it dipped me into a pool of Alfredo sauce and there were a bunch of hot men waiting for me with towels to dry me off, yeah I would in a, bungee companies, get to work on that
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I wear flip flops, so yes, I meticulousy untie my shoes every time I take them off...refer to question number 11
15. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, sure...I can bench press a cow...Emotionally, depends on the minute of the day
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ice cream
17. Shoe Size? Large (flip flops, remember?)
18. Red or pink? This is a vague I supposed to pick my fav color out of the two?? Well, then, I'd have to say Pink! Gooooooooo Breast Cancer Awareness YAY!
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My whole self is absolutely fabulous
20. Who do you miss most? Depends on where I am and what I'm doing and who I'm thinking of, but at this exact moment in time I'd have to say George Bush Sr.
21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? I copied this from an email, so uh, no
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? No pants...I promise I'm not being kinky (I'm wearing a nightgown) and uh, HELLO!!!!!!!! FLIP FLOPS!
23. What are you listening to right now? The cap on my Vault 20 oz drink opening and the greenish golden liquid joy fizzing as I take a lucious sip of yummy energy goodness (send me stuff)
24. Last thing you ate? a booger.......HA! I just cracked myself up on that one...really, a MEGA peanut M&M
25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Brown because it rarely gets used, but it's important to completing a lot of pictures
26. What is the weather like right now? Post-hurricane-ish humid and hot
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mi madre
28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? That they are the opposite sex...except that time I ran into a transexual, WOW was that embarrassing...refer to question 11 again
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Again. Copied this from an email which I received from more than one person, but they are all fabulous..I wouldn't associate with anyone who wasn't
30. Favorite Drink? uh...let's pay attention and take notes, kids.....VAULT...send me stuff
31. Favorite sport? Watching TV
32. Hair Color? It changes with my mood...oh wait, don't people say that about eye color, well, welcome to my world!
33. Eye Color? White, Blue and Black
34. Do you wear contacts? I can't think of a witty response to this, so I'll just say NO
35. Favorite Food? MEGA peanut M&Ms...send me stuff
36. Last Movie You Watched? Young Adam...uhh, let me take this opportunity to tell all the Ewan McGregor fans out there that if you want to see his this movie
37. Favorite Day of the Year? Everyday that I wake up still breathing...of course, if I wasn't breathing I probly wouldn't wake up...and if I didn't wake up I probly wouldn't be breathing so, uh...whatever
38. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Scary Movies WITH Happy Endings
39. Summer Or winter? The colder the better until my bone it needs to be hot with ZERO humidity, but where are ya gonna find THAT?!?
40. Hugs OR Kisses? Butterfly Kisses and Bear Hugs
41. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Betty Crocker Single Dessert Chocolate Chip Cookie...send me stuff
42. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? No one...
43. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? one
44. Where would your ideal house be located? Antartica so my neighbors would be penguins
45. What Books Are You Reading? I'm glad this question said BOOKSSSSS because I usually read more than one. Right now, I am reading Live Your Best Life Now, by Joel Osteen, Be Anxious For Nothing, by Joyce Meyer, and the GOOD BOOK, by God
46. What's On Your Mouse Pad? Pooh bear and Tigger!
47. What did you watch on TV last-night? Hurricane footage...ugh
48. Favorite Smells? G, Tigger's fur, NOT Whitney's breath, Bounce sheets
49. Favorite Sound? children's belly laughs
50. Rolling Stones or Beatles? uhhhhhhhhh....Maroon 5
51. What's the farthest you've been from home? Home is where the heart is
52. What's something you want to do before you die? Live
53. Favorite Movie? Heck, now it's Young Adam! HA...just kidding...probly have to be Life of David Gale
54. Favorite TV show? The Closer
**Anyway, this has been another random production of quizzes by MareBear!!! Peace out home chili fries!!
: )
2. Were you named after anyone? Yeppers! But you didn't ask WHO!
3. Do you wish on stars? No, I pray...but stars sure are purdy
4. When did you last cry? When I found out that Grandma L's house was okay
5. Do you like your handwriting? My handwriting is beautiful...another reason that I am not qualified to be a doctor
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? waffles
7. When is your birthday? Sometime this year
8. What is your most embarrassing CD? AGAIN I WILL REPEAT...I have a CD that has New Kids On The Block on it...(and from previous posts, I have been ordered to write that my best friend K MADE that CD for me!)
9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I would be my girlfriend...or boyfriend...or, uh...whatever
10. Do you have journal? You are reading it
11. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
13. Would you bungee jump? If it dipped me into a pool of Alfredo sauce and there were a bunch of hot men waiting for me with towels to dry me off, yeah I would in a, bungee companies, get to work on that
14. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I wear flip flops, so yes, I meticulousy untie my shoes every time I take them off...refer to question number 11
15. Do you think that you are strong? Physically, sure...I can bench press a cow...Emotionally, depends on the minute of the day
16. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? ice cream
17. Shoe Size? Large (flip flops, remember?)
18. Red or pink? This is a vague I supposed to pick my fav color out of the two?? Well, then, I'd have to say Pink! Gooooooooo Breast Cancer Awareness YAY!
19. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My whole self is absolutely fabulous
20. Who do you miss most? Depends on where I am and what I'm doing and who I'm thinking of, but at this exact moment in time I'd have to say George Bush Sr.
21. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? I copied this from an email, so uh, no
22. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? No pants...I promise I'm not being kinky (I'm wearing a nightgown) and uh, HELLO!!!!!!!! FLIP FLOPS!
23. What are you listening to right now? The cap on my Vault 20 oz drink opening and the greenish golden liquid joy fizzing as I take a lucious sip of yummy energy goodness (send me stuff)
24. Last thing you ate? a booger.......HA! I just cracked myself up on that one...really, a MEGA peanut M&M
25. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Brown because it rarely gets used, but it's important to completing a lot of pictures
26. What is the weather like right now? Post-hurricane-ish humid and hot
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? Mi madre
28. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? That they are the opposite sex...except that time I ran into a transexual, WOW was that embarrassing...refer to question 11 again
29. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Again. Copied this from an email which I received from more than one person, but they are all fabulous..I wouldn't associate with anyone who wasn't
30. Favorite Drink? uh...let's pay attention and take notes, kids.....VAULT...send me stuff
31. Favorite sport? Watching TV
32. Hair Color? It changes with my mood...oh wait, don't people say that about eye color, well, welcome to my world!
33. Eye Color? White, Blue and Black
34. Do you wear contacts? I can't think of a witty response to this, so I'll just say NO
35. Favorite Food? MEGA peanut M&Ms...send me stuff
36. Last Movie You Watched? Young Adam...uhh, let me take this opportunity to tell all the Ewan McGregor fans out there that if you want to see his this movie
37. Favorite Day of the Year? Everyday that I wake up still breathing...of course, if I wasn't breathing I probly wouldn't wake up...and if I didn't wake up I probly wouldn't be breathing so, uh...whatever
38. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Scary Movies WITH Happy Endings
39. Summer Or winter? The colder the better until my bone it needs to be hot with ZERO humidity, but where are ya gonna find THAT?!?
40. Hugs OR Kisses? Butterfly Kisses and Bear Hugs
41. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Betty Crocker Single Dessert Chocolate Chip Cookie...send me stuff
42. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? No one...
43. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? one
44. Where would your ideal house be located? Antartica so my neighbors would be penguins
45. What Books Are You Reading? I'm glad this question said BOOKSSSSS because I usually read more than one. Right now, I am reading Live Your Best Life Now, by Joel Osteen, Be Anxious For Nothing, by Joyce Meyer, and the GOOD BOOK, by God
46. What's On Your Mouse Pad? Pooh bear and Tigger!
47. What did you watch on TV last-night? Hurricane footage...ugh
48. Favorite Smells? G, Tigger's fur, NOT Whitney's breath, Bounce sheets
49. Favorite Sound? children's belly laughs
50. Rolling Stones or Beatles? uhhhhhhhhh....Maroon 5
51. What's the farthest you've been from home? Home is where the heart is
52. What's something you want to do before you die? Live
53. Favorite Movie? Heck, now it's Young Adam! HA...just kidding...probly have to be Life of David Gale
54. Favorite TV show? The Closer
**Anyway, this has been another random production of quizzes by MareBear!!! Peace out home chili fries!!
: )
Biloxi and Gas
My dad and Grandma L made it safely to Biloxi...although we have no idea how they'll get anywhere else that they need to go since there's no gas anywhere near them. GL's house is actually in GREAT SHAPE!!!! The roof vents blew off, the fence blew down and there's other minor damage, but overall, it's FINE!!!!!!!!!!!! It's such a miracle, and in a way, I feel guilty about being so happy since so many people not only lost everything they owned, but some also lost their lives. But I am still overwhelmed with happiness that my grandma's house is okay. Dad says that the pictures on CNN don't even come NEAR to doing justice to what it really looks like down there. He said that it looks just like bombs were dropped everywhere. There is a police officer planted at the end of the street and Dad and B are sleeping with guns in their laps cause you never know who is going to take advantage of this whole situation. UGH...makes me SICK to think there are people out there like that.

(you can tell it's Sharkhead's from the pink on the building...the shark head seems to be GONE but you can't tell much from this aerial picture), here..far away from the wreckage, gas prices went up to almost $3 a gallon. In Atlanta, there was one picture of a gas sign that said $5.86!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But more than likely, that was price gouging, but they did say that gas prices might get near $4 or so before this is all over. Just like that movie "Oil Storm" on the Weather Channel. This is EXACTLY what happened in that movie. And people kept saying, "Gosh, we sure are glad THAT'S never gonna happen." Hmmmmmm. Uh huh. People are lining up for MILES at gas stations just to get a few gallons of gas because of fear that there will be a major gas shortage. I was able to fill up my tank and G was able to fill up his. And I took K to fill up hers too. But I just plan to make sure I don't drive anywhere TOO far that isn't necessary.
K and I went to the old job today and saw everyone. It was a blast. Well, as much of a blast as half an hour in an office can be...which at T can be a MAJOR blast if you know how to work it. Hopefully all of us will be able to go out sometime in the next few weeks and have a blowout. That'd be fun. K and W got their phones cut off today which SUX! I can't stand not being able to call her!!! UGH. Hopefully they will be able to get it turned back on soon. K starts her new KICK BUTT job tomorrow afternoon. Now maybe I can go and get me a tatt. WOO HOO!
I am making G fix the yard's a jungle out there.
I hope that while I'm here I can get a lot of the house in order and cleaned.
I miss Mom and Dad and the puppies a lot.
I feel almost just like how I felt after 9-11.
My right hip is starting to hurt pretty noticeably even when I'm not walking, but I'm afraid to make a big deal out of it at the moment since some people have lost EVERYTHING...who cares about my little hip issue?
I am SO SO SO glad that GL has a place to live. But even if she didn't, she would ALWAYS have a place with us.
The bottoms of my feet are peeling.
I love how I look in mascara, but can't STAND the ordeal of taking it off at night.
I need to send out my SSD stuff...just keep putting it off cause I forget about it, but now that I've written it in here, maybe I'll get my butt in gear.
I wish I had a steady income...which leads back to me doing the SSD stuff.
My little sis likes someone who doesn't feel the same way about her, but he CARES about her, which is sometimes even worse. I know how she feels.
Every time something like Katrina or 9-11 happens, I'm kind of glad in a teeny tiny way that I don't have kids.
I believe that Grandpa D saved Travia.
I wish that I was physically able to go down and help clean up. Even more than I wish that I could contribute financially.
Love you all!!!
Peace out and God Bless Home Chili Fries!!!
Sharkhead's was my favorite store for souveniors in Biloxi. It was almost right across HWY 90 from GL's is a before and after...the before is really close up to the shark head that was outside of can see in the after picture that the shark head is no longer visible. Sorry that the after picture is so far away, but I can try to get better ones soon!

(you can tell it's Sharkhead's from the pink on the building...the shark head seems to be GONE but you can't tell much from this aerial picture), here..far away from the wreckage, gas prices went up to almost $3 a gallon. In Atlanta, there was one picture of a gas sign that said $5.86!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But more than likely, that was price gouging, but they did say that gas prices might get near $4 or so before this is all over. Just like that movie "Oil Storm" on the Weather Channel. This is EXACTLY what happened in that movie. And people kept saying, "Gosh, we sure are glad THAT'S never gonna happen." Hmmmmmm. Uh huh. People are lining up for MILES at gas stations just to get a few gallons of gas because of fear that there will be a major gas shortage. I was able to fill up my tank and G was able to fill up his. And I took K to fill up hers too. But I just plan to make sure I don't drive anywhere TOO far that isn't necessary.
K and I went to the old job today and saw everyone. It was a blast. Well, as much of a blast as half an hour in an office can be...which at T can be a MAJOR blast if you know how to work it. Hopefully all of us will be able to go out sometime in the next few weeks and have a blowout. That'd be fun. K and W got their phones cut off today which SUX! I can't stand not being able to call her!!! UGH. Hopefully they will be able to get it turned back on soon. K starts her new KICK BUTT job tomorrow afternoon. Now maybe I can go and get me a tatt. WOO HOO!
I am making G fix the yard's a jungle out there.
I hope that while I'm here I can get a lot of the house in order and cleaned.
I miss Mom and Dad and the puppies a lot.
I feel almost just like how I felt after 9-11.
My right hip is starting to hurt pretty noticeably even when I'm not walking, but I'm afraid to make a big deal out of it at the moment since some people have lost EVERYTHING...who cares about my little hip issue?
I am SO SO SO glad that GL has a place to live. But even if she didn't, she would ALWAYS have a place with us.
The bottoms of my feet are peeling.
I love how I look in mascara, but can't STAND the ordeal of taking it off at night.
I need to send out my SSD stuff...just keep putting it off cause I forget about it, but now that I've written it in here, maybe I'll get my butt in gear.
I wish I had a steady income...which leads back to me doing the SSD stuff.
My little sis likes someone who doesn't feel the same way about her, but he CARES about her, which is sometimes even worse. I know how she feels.
Every time something like Katrina or 9-11 happens, I'm kind of glad in a teeny tiny way that I don't have kids.
I believe that Grandpa D saved Travia.
I wish that I was physically able to go down and help clean up. Even more than I wish that I could contribute financially.
Love you all!!!
Peace out and God Bless Home Chili Fries!!!
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