August 05, 2006

Ahem...Randomness...Thank You For Your Attention

I am currently in Biloxi. Believe it or not, I haven't been here since Katrina. I've just flat out refused to come down here...for several reasons that I won't get into right now. But Mom drove me down Hwy 90 on the way to Grandma Lynda's house. I burst into tears by the time we got to her house. It's still horrible.

My friend Karl had some MAJOR work done on his teeth a couple of days ago...I'm talking like 4 root canals and other yucky stuff. But...he went to a sedation dentist and got major wonderful drugs and got it all done in one visit and doesn't remember a thing. And now his teeth are great again. Why the hell didn't I do that?

If you haven't seen the movie or read the book Pride and it or read it immediately...because very very soon I will have a post on it that will spoil the whole thing if you haven't seen/read it. Consider yourself warned.

I've been thinking of titles to my book that I'm writing...check out this one. "I'm In Love With Indecision...No, Wait...No I'm Not!" What do ya think?? Yeah I bestseller.

David from Topper emailed me last night. The guys have put together a new website. Some parts of it are still under construction...well, actually only their calender needs work...but if you want to see a video with clips of sexy Pete singing and Topper jamming out...go
here. If you want to see the locations where they are playing...go here. Unfortunately, David told me that right now, you can only get their CDs and DVDs and "soon to be" t-shirts and such at the locations that they next time they're in town I'm going to grab some assorted loot. I'm sure you all are terribly disappointed to hear this. Please don't lose too much sleep.

The gay next door neighbor that lives next to my Grandma Lynda has his "friend" over to help him with some yard work. Well, the gnats are REALLY bad down here...and that's an understatement. So...the gay neighbor goes inside and brings out a bottle of Cepocal mouthwash. And his friend says..."I don't think rinsing my mouth out with that stuff will help with the gnats." I about FELL OUT laughing. So gay guy says, "NO you wipe this all over your legs and neck and the gnats won't git ya!" So the gay guy pours a cup of Cepacol into the friend's hands and the friend proceeds to wipe the mouthwash all over his legs and neck. About 5 seconds later...screams of pain erupt from the friend's mouth. "OH MY GOD!!! IT'S BURNING! IT'S BURNING!!" He started dancing around batting at his legs and neck like they were on fire. I'm seriously falling out of my chair on the patio laughing at this point, and Annie and Gracie the dogs are over at the fence barking at the man thinking he's seriously gone mad. Well, gay guy stands there calmly pouring another cupfull saying, "Naw's good for ya!" So get this...the friend takes the cupfull and wipes more of it on him!! Yep...5 seconds later...more screaming...more batting...more laughter from me...and more barking from the dogs. Later, I saw the dude mowing the yard, swatting at the gnats...hmm...but I bet they enjoyed the minty freshness of his singed leg hairs.

I used to purposely make extra mistakes on my papers in 6th grade so I could use more white-out. Then as soon as I'd use it...I'd lean in real close acting like I was making sure I'd gotten it all covered up...then I'd inhale deeply. Yeah...I was a white-out huffer at the young age of 11.

I've graduated on the McDonald's menu. Now I'm up to a medium chocolate shake...medium fry...and...wait for it.........a cheeseburger with those itty bitty chopped up onions!!! WOO WOO! But I have to tear it in pieces and then put it in my mouth and chew it up. I haven't gotten the hang of biting and tearing with my teeth yet. No worries. We'll get there.

I've often wondered if I bound all my blog entries together and made them into a book if anyone would buy it.

I miss white-out. Now all I have is this damn backspace key...and it hurts my nose.