Sharkhead's was my favorite store for souveniors in Biloxi. It was almost right across HWY 90 from GL's is a before and after...the before is really close up to the shark head that was outside of can see in the after picture that the shark head is no longer visible. Sorry that the after picture is so far away, but I can try to get better ones soon!

(you can tell it's Sharkhead's from the pink on the building...the shark head seems to be GONE but you can't tell much from this aerial picture), here..far away from the wreckage, gas prices went up to almost $3 a gallon. In Atlanta, there was one picture of a gas sign that said $5.86!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But more than likely, that was price gouging, but they did say that gas prices might get near $4 or so before this is all over. Just like that movie "Oil Storm" on the Weather Channel. This is EXACTLY what happened in that movie. And people kept saying, "Gosh, we sure are glad THAT'S never gonna happen." Hmmmmmm. Uh huh. People are lining up for MILES at gas stations just to get a few gallons of gas because of fear that there will be a major gas shortage. I was able to fill up my tank and G was able to fill up his. And I took K to fill up hers too. But I just plan to make sure I don't drive anywhere TOO far that isn't necessary.
K and I went to the old job today and saw everyone. It was a blast. Well, as much of a blast as half an hour in an office can be...which at T can be a MAJOR blast if you know how to work it. Hopefully all of us will be able to go out sometime in the next few weeks and have a blowout. That'd be fun. K and W got their phones cut off today which SUX! I can't stand not being able to call her!!! UGH. Hopefully they will be able to get it turned back on soon. K starts her new KICK BUTT job tomorrow afternoon. Now maybe I can go and get me a tatt. WOO HOO!
I am making G fix the yard's a jungle out there.
I hope that while I'm here I can get a lot of the house in order and cleaned.
I miss Mom and Dad and the puppies a lot.
I feel almost just like how I felt after 9-11.
My right hip is starting to hurt pretty noticeably even when I'm not walking, but I'm afraid to make a big deal out of it at the moment since some people have lost EVERYTHING...who cares about my little hip issue?
I am SO SO SO glad that GL has a place to live. But even if she didn't, she would ALWAYS have a place with us.
The bottoms of my feet are peeling.
I love how I look in mascara, but can't STAND the ordeal of taking it off at night.
I need to send out my SSD stuff...just keep putting it off cause I forget about it, but now that I've written it in here, maybe I'll get my butt in gear.
I wish I had a steady income...which leads back to me doing the SSD stuff.
My little sis likes someone who doesn't feel the same way about her, but he CARES about her, which is sometimes even worse. I know how she feels.
Every time something like Katrina or 9-11 happens, I'm kind of glad in a teeny tiny way that I don't have kids.
I believe that Grandpa D saved Travia.
I wish that I was physically able to go down and help clean up. Even more than I wish that I could contribute financially.
Love you all!!!
Peace out and God Bless Home Chili Fries!!!
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