September 22, 2005
Cuz A is PREGNANT!!!! Yay! Our first baby in the family! I should just say baby GIRL...cause we KNOW that's what it's going to be! A found out this morning that it's official...she's 4 to 5 weeks prego! Her unofficial due date is May 29th. I am a little concerned about her physical and mental health, but I think she will do just fine! Now, I kind of DO wish that I lived here so I could go through it with her, but I'm not even entertaining that idea, and she won't let me entertain that idea either. So, we've decided that we will talk on the phone every single day and if the baby kicks then I will drive all night long if I have to to her house so I can feel HER kick! : ) She took UJ to lunch today and broke the news to him. We all thought he would NOT be happy about it, but lo and behold he seemed genuinely happy for her! Which is GREAT! She's going to tell Dadoo tonight, so we will see how that goes too. Anyway! I am so excited for her! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 16, 2005
Long Time No Post
Here are just some random updates since I've posted last. Haven't had much to write about, but I want to keep this thing current so here I go!
G left to go to Florida last night. He made it there safely! YAY! His mom and I are just here hanging out. Things are going just fine.
We FINALLY did the yard work the other day. YIPPEE! It's so nice not to walk into a jungle every time we step foot out of the house. I did a lot of work, and my hip told me so later that night, but GOSH it felt good to get out and do something physical.
The house in Jac
kson is coming right along. Here are the newest pics of it.

Yippee! Can't WAIT until it's done!
I went to the vet the other day to get all the animals flea stuff...$104 later, they are feeling better. UGH!
Well, I don't know much else, but I'm sure I will come up with something soon! Love you all!
G left to go to Florida last night. He made it there safely! YAY! His mom and I are just here hanging out. Things are going just fine.
We FINALLY did the yard work the other day. YIPPEE! It's so nice not to walk into a jungle every time we step foot out of the house. I did a lot of work, and my hip told me so later that night, but GOSH it felt good to get out and do something physical.
The house in Jac

Yippee! Can't WAIT until it's done!
I went to the vet the other day to get all the animals flea stuff...$104 later, they are feeling better. UGH!
Well, I don't know much else, but I'm sure I will come up with something soon! Love you all!
September 10, 2005
New Biloxi Pics
I said I was going to put up a new before and after pic of Sharkheads so here ya go! The after one is one my dad took of the FRONT of Sharkheads. Notice the sharkhead is no more.

If you click on the after picture you can see the surfer guy is still there. He was right above the the before pic, the shark is blocking his view.
Here is one of a sign that Dad found lying on the beach, or somewhere that used to be the beach, or somewhere that used to be a business that is NOW the beach...who knows.

If you click on the after picture you can see the surfer guy is still there. He was right above the the before pic, the shark is blocking his view.
Here is one of a sign that Dad found lying on the beach, or somewhere that used to be the beach, or somewhere that used to be a business that is NOW the beach...who knows.

And this is Grandma L in a field behind her house. Her house is in the background. It's the one with the boards holding up the fence. You can see that her house fared well. Anyway, all the shoes that are in the field are from a shoe store that was next door to Sharkheads. Pretty insane when you think about how far they traveled to get there!
So, there you have it. Hopefully I will have more pictures to come! Love you all!
September 08, 2005
Shark Tale
This is the best animated movie I've ever seen. Ok, Shrek was the bomb diggity too, but this one was oh so awesome. Maybe it's because I have this freakish talent of identifying voices in animated films and voice overs. And in Shark Tale it's blantantly obvious who the characters are. They even LOOK like the real people. So, I don't have to spend my time thinking of who the people are. I get to enjoy the movie. And I LOVE that Robert DeNiro is doing all this comedy now! And, as in everything Will Smith does, the dance scene at the end is awesome! I love the little shrimp! HA! Funny that I'm allergic to them in real life. But I digress. Anyway...this is an awesome movie. If you hadn't guessed I just got done watching it. I'd seen it before at Mom's, but I just watched it again and it renewed the excitement for me! GO BUY IT!
As for other stuff, today is the 'rents 7th wedding anniversary! WOO HOO! Bow chicka wow wow! Dad was the best thing that ever happened in either mine or Mom's lives. Seriously.
I had the talk with KB today. I hope it helped, but she's gonna have to do this on her own. But I will be there for her!
Love you all!!
As for other stuff, today is the 'rents 7th wedding anniversary! WOO HOO! Bow chicka wow wow! Dad was the best thing that ever happened in either mine or Mom's lives. Seriously.
I had the talk with KB today. I hope it helped, but she's gonna have to do this on her own. But I will be there for her!
Love you all!!
September 07, 2005
Al the Rat (late 2004-September 7, 2005)
Al the Albino rat died this morning between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM. Funeral services commenced at 12:05 PM. He was laid to rest in the backyard. Pallbearers were Mare, G and Lucky the cat (although I think Lucky was there for an entirely different reason.) A brick from the patio serves as his headstone. Al originally was born to be food for our snake, Tiny. At the pet store, they told us that he was a small mouse. Well, obviously Tiny knew the difference between a rat and a mouse and refused to eat him. I was overjoyed that we had a new cute little white furry rat, named Al since he was Albino. Al was very sick after his roommate Whiskers the Hairless Rat died a couple of months ago. He stopped eating and drinking over 2 weeks ago, but held on until he was sure that we'd all be okay with his passing. Al the rat is survived by his neighbors Frita the Rat and Hunny Bunny the Bunny Rabbit. Friends who were in attendance when he passed were: Dixie, Kada, and Sammy the dogs; Isabella, Nermil, Spunky and Angel the cats; and of course, Frita and Hunny Bunny. In lieu of flowers please send a donation to the ASPCA to help the furry victims of hurricane Katrina in Al the Rat's name. We will all miss Al very much and know that we will one day see him at rainbow bridge. May he rest in peace!
September 05, 2005
Dad made it home safely today. I was able to speak with him breifly, but GOSH, he was so tired. I don't think I've ever heard a human being that tired! Also, Grandma L's POWER was turned on yesterday!!! Can you even BELIEVE IT?!?!? Praise God for that.
The drama rama with Jewel and BK continues...Mom said that she had to call the coppers on them tonight. She didn't give me too many details (those to follow) but it turns out that Jewel DID ask BK to come back...surprise, surprise! And supposedly when he did, a fight ensued. IN THE PARKING LOT! According to my sources, there was a lot of shoving and screaming...fighting over their little girl. Mom called the cops and then Jewel knocked on her door to ask her to call the cops. Mom said, "I already did!" and then slammed and locked the door. No one was arrested that we know of, and I am sure I will get more details tomorrow. Mom didn't feel like reliving it tonight and I don't blame her, but GOSH I wanna KNOW!
Nephew Na was taken to the ER tonight. According to S, he was jumping on one of those moonwalk thingys and SOMEHOW...I have NO IDEA how this kid managed this his two front teeth, which are permanent now, stuck in the net that surrounds it. Well, then he fell. HARD. One of the permanent teeth is literally sticking at a 90 degree angle into his lip! Poor baby. That child has seen the inside of an ER more times than I can count! S said that he was asleep, I'm guessing from pain medicine they gave him. And that they were calling in the emergency dentist. So far, they haven't returned home yet. So, there is no telling how long they will be there.
The season finale of The Closer aired tonight. WAH! What will we do until the next season begins?!? I assume we will go into a long mourning period.
G and I are both sick. G got sick a few days ago and I was SHOCKED that I didn't get it. Then lo and behold, I wake up this morning with a headache and sore throat. UGH. Hopefully it will just move along after a couple of days.
KB is back home with her kids and Style after a short stint away. We are going to have a long talk next time I see her. So, if you read this, you better get yourself ready girl! Best friend, Marebear must speak her mind! Don't worry, you're not in TOO much trouble, but I reserve the right as the best friend in this family to have a word with you! LOVE YOU!
Anyway, that's the extent of the update so far. I think I'm going to hit the hay a little early tonight in order to ward off this cold!
I would just like to say at this point that I really do love all my friends and family with the deepest part of my heart. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for you guys. If I was one of the ones who lost my home and everything in it, I know that I would still have my heart and soul because I have you guys! I thank God for you every single day and I want everyone of you to know how much I love you guys!
The drama rama with Jewel and BK continues...Mom said that she had to call the coppers on them tonight. She didn't give me too many details (those to follow) but it turns out that Jewel DID ask BK to come back...surprise, surprise! And supposedly when he did, a fight ensued. IN THE PARKING LOT! According to my sources, there was a lot of shoving and screaming...fighting over their little girl. Mom called the cops and then Jewel knocked on her door to ask her to call the cops. Mom said, "I already did!" and then slammed and locked the door. No one was arrested that we know of, and I am sure I will get more details tomorrow. Mom didn't feel like reliving it tonight and I don't blame her, but GOSH I wanna KNOW!
Nephew Na was taken to the ER tonight. According to S, he was jumping on one of those moonwalk thingys and SOMEHOW...I have NO IDEA how this kid managed this his two front teeth, which are permanent now, stuck in the net that surrounds it. Well, then he fell. HARD. One of the permanent teeth is literally sticking at a 90 degree angle into his lip! Poor baby. That child has seen the inside of an ER more times than I can count! S said that he was asleep, I'm guessing from pain medicine they gave him. And that they were calling in the emergency dentist. So far, they haven't returned home yet. So, there is no telling how long they will be there.
The season finale of The Closer aired tonight. WAH! What will we do until the next season begins?!? I assume we will go into a long mourning period.
G and I are both sick. G got sick a few days ago and I was SHOCKED that I didn't get it. Then lo and behold, I wake up this morning with a headache and sore throat. UGH. Hopefully it will just move along after a couple of days.
KB is back home with her kids and Style after a short stint away. We are going to have a long talk next time I see her. So, if you read this, you better get yourself ready girl! Best friend, Marebear must speak her mind! Don't worry, you're not in TOO much trouble, but I reserve the right as the best friend in this family to have a word with you! LOVE YOU!
Anyway, that's the extent of the update so far. I think I'm going to hit the hay a little early tonight in order to ward off this cold!
I would just like to say at this point that I really do love all my friends and family with the deepest part of my heart. I wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for you guys. If I was one of the ones who lost my home and everything in it, I know that I would still have my heart and soul because I have you guys! I thank God for you every single day and I want everyone of you to know how much I love you guys!
September 03, 2005
OK, so Auburn kicked the bucket on this one. It doesn't help that we have a 10 year old as a QB...but oh well. I really really really hate it that we lost our first game of the season, but hopefully, we are in a "rebuilding" stage and we'll move right along. Final score 23-14 GA Tech. UGH. But just so you know Big Blue...I still love ya! I won't ever stray! : )
Mare Bear a.k.a. The Faithful Tiger
War Eagle
Mare Bear a.k.a. The Faithful Tiger
War Eagle
Cat Puke Phenomenon
OK...I know this will be gross for some of you out there, but it NEEDS to be addressed. Have you actually ever SEEN a cat throw up? For us cat owners out there we all know what it sounds someone knocking on the door kind of funny..........knock, knock......................knock, knock...........knock, knock.......knock, knock....knock, knock..knock, knock, knock, knockknockknockknockknock.....BLEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...but have you actually SEEN the process? The poor cat's body heaves like it's trying to cough up a hippo, and then...right when the ick is coming out, their faces peel off their heads. Their mouths literally open over their brains! Their eyeballs are where their noses USED to be, and they have a nose, no more. This leads me to believe that cats are really alien vessels, and hairballs are just the poor aliens attempting to get out. But see, cats are strong beings. They have too much personality to let these aliens take over which is why the aliens are trying to get out in such a horrible manner. So, next time you pick up a hairball, just remember...that could be the aftermath of your kitty cat fighting an intergalactic war.
Food for thought...well, if you even WANT to eat after reading that. Talk amongst yourselves.
Peace out home chili fries.
Food for thought...well, if you even WANT to eat after reading that. Talk amongst yourselves.
Peace out home chili fries.
September 02, 2005
Hmmm...Drama...what creates it, and what makes it confined to the apartment across from my mother?? We'll call this certain couple that lives across from her, Jewel and Baby Kangaroo (BK). BK is the husband, and Jewel is the wife. Jewel is a stripper. With no boobs and a ponytail extension in her hair. BK is in the military, but for safety and anonymity I won't say which branch. Anywho...this couple has had more problems than I could ever imagine. Jewel was prego when they first moved in. And shortly after the 6 month mark she gave birth to a baby boy...WAY premature. He survived, but barely. So, after a while, Jewel started making comments about pain meds and other such things giving us the impression that she was addicted to narcs. And only a few weeks after the premie came home from the hospital, she started working as a stripper at all hours of the night. But we figured out that she only works during the week...never weekends...we think it might be from the lack of boobs that she doesn't get prime hours. So, then we find out that SOMEONE...we really have no idea who...called child services on them because Premie was screaming all the time and they didn't think that was "right." At first we were **aghast!** that someone would call over something so obviously normal. Then one day, Jewel came out of her apartment crying her eyes out. She handed my mom the baby and there were marks ALL OVER the baby's face. Jewel claimed that his swing was old, and that it fell apart and he fell on the concrete below. We weren't so sure. So, her mom comes and gets him and his older sister and takes them for a few weeks so that the child services woman wouldn't make an unexpected visit and see Premie's face all scratched up and take him away. So THEN, one night we were outside and Jewel comes up to us and says, "Sorry if y'all have heard a lot of screaming coming from the apartment lately. (we hadn't) But, I just found out that BK is having an affair with one of the other strippers at my work." uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...mmm..hhmm..what are we supposed to say to that?!?! There was mild talk of a divorce, and bastard this, and bastard that...needless to say, they never even separated. Then one day, mom and I were coming home from a Target outing or something and noticed that the outgoing gate to the apartments was wide open and sitting kind of crooked. Later, BK and Jewel pull up in their car which looks like it got into a major wreck! Hmmmm....when asked about it, BK explained casually that the gate had CLOSED on their car!! **drum roll PLEASE** We of course, immediately asked if they had talked to the apartment manager about it and BK said that the manager wasn't going to pay to get their car fixed. I looked at Jewel and said, "I'm sorry, hun, but if some apartment gate closed on my BRAND NEW CAR, I'd pitch a fit and call the media until they paid for it." Jewel immediately looked down and said, "It's really no big deal." Hmmmm....So, then BK offers up, "Well, the funny thing is, the apartments we lived in before this one...the SAME THING happened!" Imagine that. Later we talked to the manager and it was confirmed that the gate was rammed. Surprise surprise. ANYWAY...the point of this whole post was to tell you that my mom just called and informed me that she went outside tonight and Jewel was sitting on the ground outside with a cast on her arm. Mom asked what happened (always a bad thing to do with these people) and Jewel said, "BK did it."
So, the wagering long do you think that it will be before Jewel and BK are back together? According to Jewel, BK ran off to another state, which means that he might have gone AWOL as well. But keep in mind, we have NO idea what the whole story is. Just what Jewel says. So, can you predict the end of this saga? Will BK be found and go to prison and find a bigger breasted she-male to hook up with? Or will Jewel decide to not press charges and they keep creating more drama for me to write about?!?! To be continued.............
So, the wagering long do you think that it will be before Jewel and BK are back together? According to Jewel, BK ran off to another state, which means that he might have gone AWOL as well. But keep in mind, we have NO idea what the whole story is. Just what Jewel says. So, can you predict the end of this saga? Will BK be found and go to prison and find a bigger breasted she-male to hook up with? Or will Jewel decide to not press charges and they keep creating more drama for me to write about?!?! To be continued.............
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