Here's me and Mom when I went to see her in NC. This was taken in one of those cute litte photo booths in the mall! Aren't we the cutest!
This is me and Dad again in NC. I'm totally diggin my red hair! That's why my hair is red, yet again! ; ) I love my daddy!
This is my fav pic of me and my parents. It was at my cousin's wedding a few years ago and I was a bridesmaid. I think we all look fabulous! : )
This is my Mom's dog Annie...or as I call her Fannie. She has cancer just like mom. : ( But she's doing well just like Mom too! : ) She's the cutest dog in the world but wow can she be a hell raiser!
This is Mom's dog Whitney. And guess what?! She has breast cancer TOO! But she's doing just fine as well. I took this picture while Mom was giving her a bath and it came out just like this. Pretty freaky I must say, but she really is the sweetest dog on the planet despite the devil's face! : )
This would be my dog, Sammy. He lives in B'ham with G. I'm not exactly sure what he was trying to do at the moment I took this picture but it makes me crack up every time I look at it so I thought I'd pass it on to all of you! He's a good pup!
Well, I just wanted to share a few pics with you guys. I don't incorporate them too much into my blog entries, so I figured I'd just make a whole entry of just pics! Peace out!
1 comment:
Love all the pictures, with the possible exception of the one of Whitney. It scares me. It seems to me that Whitney is trying to mentally take over my mind. I know that sounds crazy, but....eeeep....urrrrkkkk....MUST-----SEND-----MARYBETH----MONEY----AND ----BIG-----JUICY-----STEAK-----FOR-----WHITNEY. (HELP ME, SOMEBODY; MAKE HIM STOP! fOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY, MAKE HIM STOP!!!!!!) ---James, in Pelham
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