This is Nermil on my bed and he is shocked and surprised by the flash of the camera so he is squinting in this picture. Afterwards, he scolded me for not warning him of what I was doing first!

This is his shy pose...I warned him I was going to take the picture and he didn't know exactly what to do so he kind of froze a little bit.

This is when I told him that the last pose made him look absolutely GORGEOUS!! He is saying, "OH! Stop it Mommy!"

He finally got control of himself and he says, "OK, Mommy, let's get back to business...tell me again how beatiful I am." And I said, "You look VERY beautiful on my VERY beautiful bed!"

This is Nermil COMPLETELY disgusted that I would DARE compare him and my BED and call them both beautiful. I immediately apologized and begged for his feline forgiveness.

But to no avail...he was DUNZO! "Photo shoot OVER, MOTHER!" And off he went!
Well, at least I got SOME shots for you guys! I hope you enjoyed them! ; )
Well WELCOME BACK!!!! Tell Nermil he at least has a skinnier version here in IL...my cat Dumass pronounced DO MASS look's like they can be related...Glad you all had a safe trip talk again soon...Tree
hey nermal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've missed seeing him!!! tell him he poses very well... i'm glad he's there for you and with you sweets!!! i love you mean it!!!-always the anonymous one!!!
Gee. A cat with a superiorty complex AND an attitude. Imagine the odds. There can't be any more than 3 or 4 billion of those in the world. But as far as cats go, (Which BTW, the world's record is 38 feet if you swing them by the tail. J/K), he is a fine looking cat and he is lucky to have you as his mother.~~J. in Pelham
HAHA!!! This post simply put, made me giggle. Your kitty is so cute. But, you can keep him. I'm alergic. *hack* *wheeze* *cough cough* *sneeze*
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