She was 21 years old. She has been a part of our family since I can remember. Since I was 5 years old. The last year of her life she was completely deaf. But that didn't slow her down! If she wanted attention, she would walk right up behind you on the back of the couch and head-butt you. She couldn't hear herself I believe she held the world record for highest decibel kitty cat scream!
When I was little, she used to sleep right next to my head at night...right by my pillow. And I would whisper to her until I fell asleep. I would tell her my secrets. My hopes and my dreams. My little girl wishes. And as I got older, I would tell her all my heart's desires. Problems with my boyfriends. Rant to her about fights I had with friends or my mom. Cry to her when my heart was broken. And every chance I got, I buried my face in her soft fur and inhaled deeply. She always had this unique scent that smelled just like home. She moved with us from Alabama to Texas, from Texas to Alabama, with my parents from Alabama to North Carolina, and then from North Carolina finally to Mississippi. And her scent never changed. She always smelled like home. Like Tigger. When I was younger I used to tell my mom, "I'm going to take Tigger with me when I go to college!" Well, things didn't exactly happen that way. But, luckily, I got the chance to spend the last year living with her again. To my mom and me, she was more than just a cat. She was a love. A family member. A child, a sister. A secret keeper. A snuggler.
Tonight we decided that we needed to say goodbye. We wanted to remember her while she was still just a little bit lively. She was starting to fade and we didn't want to watch her waste away. We can be happy knowing that she is bouncing around as high as she did when she was a kitten. (Which is how she got her name.) Playing with an endless supply of shoelaces and strings. Catnip and kitty treats in abundance. And we know one day we will meet her again at Rainbow Bridge.
We love you baby Tigger. You gave us so much joy. I can only hope and pray that we returned your love and purrs with half as much enthusiasm as you gave to us.
Yours forever and always.

Awww.....Mare, I'm sorry. :'-( But, it's for the better. You don't want to have a suffering animal.
Ah man that is hard to do...I am so sorry. Wish it would never have to happen but you will see her again!!
I'm sorry for your loss, MB. I remember how hard it was when I had my dog put to sleep. I know that words are little comfort right now, but you can take comfort that Tigger is up in Heaven right now chasing the angels around. (he's thinking, "Well they got feathers, they must be birds. And would you look at the size of those mothers. And all I need to do is catch just one and I'll be set for a month.")And afterwards he'll go up to Jesus, and snuggle up in his lap, and both of them will talk about a love they have in common, living in Mississippi, names MaryBeth.
~~~J. In Pelham
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