This is what she did pretty much the whole time we were there....SLEEP!! Don't get TOO used to it Mommy!!! ; ) She really IS the bestest baby in the world!

Again...sleeping, but see that finger she's holding so tight? That would be her Aunt MAREBEAR's finger!! She adores me. Really...she does. She told me so when no one else was watching. We have a bond already!

This is me holding the precious sleeping girl! We'll ignore the fact that I'm teaching her horrible habits because I'm wearing a t-shirt from Cancun with a BEER prominently across it with the word AAAHHH in really big print. Well...at least it's a BOTTLE right? Right. : )

This is Mom (Aunt Beth) with little Elizabeth! Aren't they adorable??? I love this picture! I think Mom was the only sensible one to wear a pink shirt to the hospital!! Smart thinking Mom!
Here is GreatGrandad holding his greatgranddaughter for the first time! And all 3 of his granddaughters standing behind him. Mommy Amy is in the pink striped shirt. Sister Tammy a.k.a Tamster is in the pink shirt behind him and ME...again...in the CASINO SHIRT on the other side of him. So here I am teaching her about beer and gambling. *sigh* What a great role model! ; )
I will have PLENTY more pictures to come and PLENTY more entries on Miss Elizabeth on the way!!! In the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy these pics!!! Love you guys SO very very much!!
~*Cousin/Aunt MareBear*~
1 comment:
First of all, I hope that you get to feeling better soon. I know how much fun going to the dentist can be. On to Elizabeth, don't feel to bad about the beer and the gambling t-shirts. Somebody has to teach her about the real world. And it's up to her Auntie MareBear and her Uncle J. from Pelham to show her all the things that her mommy and daddy won't. I see in the second picture that you are already teaching her the "pull-my-finger" routine. Anyway, have a nice night and keep on posting. Love ya, J.-in Pelham
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