August 26, 2005

Being Yourself

When people say, "Just be yourself." What does that mean exactly?? Because isn't it IMPOSSIBLE to be anyone BUT yourself? I mean, sure, you can be overly polite and mind your manners, or you can act like a fool or a total jerk, but isn't that still YOU??!? You can ACT like anyone, but it's still YOU that's acting, right?? I mean, say you go on an interview or a first date...people say "Just be yourself, and everything will be fine." Well, sure it will. Or it won't. Because most of us put our "best face on" when we go to these things. But that's still us. Sure, maybe we don't act like that all the time...we don't burp or fart in the person's face like we might do in our own homes and in front of "loved ones." But we are STILL OURSELVES! That politeness came from us, and we are able to turn it on whenever we want so, that's who we are! RIGHT?!? we ALL have multiple personalities, but just don't give them names and talk to them?? Say you go out and you are talking to someone and they make a comment and you just fly off the handle! You go ape and start spewing at the mouth about what an idiot this other person is and how you are right and yada yada yada...the next day (usually after you've sobered up) you say, "Oh dear, I really just wasn't myself." SHUT UP! Yes you WERE! Don't make the excuse of not being yourself when you act a fool! OK, maybe you can say, "I NEVER act that way, I don't know what got into me!" Sure...go ahead and say that, but to say you weren't yourself is an idiotic statement in itself. We are anything and everything that makes up our personalities, or how we act. That's us...period. So here I am, ranting and raving about something that just popped in my head...that is SO like me to do that!