September 08, 2006

Inaudible Melodies

So much has been going on lately, that I've been almost too overwhelmed to write anything. I've started to write plenty of posts. If you took a look at my Blogger Dashboard right now, you would see several unfinished drafts that I never got around to posting. Even sitting here now, I'm not sure how to start, or how I'll finish...or even what to say at all...but usually things just flow out of my brain like a weird waterfall of words that amazingly end up making some semblance of sense once I'm done. Recently someone I know...that I'm not too fond of said, "I don't have any SENSE...the s-e-n-C-e kind OR the c-e-n-t-s kind." I wanted so badly to agree and say...that's RIGHT bucko...because you can't even SPELL the damn word. But I kindly nodded my head and seethed in silence. I said...things have been a little crazy lately. And for certain reasons, I can't discuss on here all of the details of everything that has been going on. are a few tidbits that I can provide.

Mom and I have moved back to Birmingham.

G and I are in the process of getting back together. (Yes, I said in the process.) Slow and steady wins the race, my friends.

I am closer to my family than I think I have ever been in my life...and I absolutely love it.

I have attended church a couple of times...and I think I might start...MIGHT START...going more often.

I have nicknamed Elizabeth Grace "Booger Butt" and she absolutely adores that name and wants everyone to refer to her as that from now on.

It is absolutely okay for you to be forgiving and tolerant of people and things that other people think you should not be forgiving and tolerant of. It actually feels pretty good.

Auburn won their first game of the season. Their defense kicks ass, although their offense could use a little push in their running game. War Damn Eagle Baby!

I am thinking of cutting back on the Vaults...nobody panic. I just said thinking about it.

The pizza is here...I gotta go now. But I think this is a better post than some of my other drafts...I'm pushing publish.