September 22, 2005


Cuz A is PREGNANT!!!! Yay! Our first baby in the family! I should just say baby GIRL...cause we KNOW that's what it's going to be! A found out this morning that it's official...she's 4 to 5 weeks prego! Her unofficial due date is May 29th. I am a little concerned about her physical and mental health, but I think she will do just fine! Now, I kind of DO wish that I lived here so I could go through it with her, but I'm not even entertaining that idea, and she won't let me entertain that idea either. So, we've decided that we will talk on the phone every single day and if the baby kicks then I will drive all night long if I have to to her house so I can feel HER kick! : ) She took UJ to lunch today and broke the news to him. We all thought he would NOT be happy about it, but lo and behold he seemed genuinely happy for her! Which is GREAT! She's going to tell Dadoo tonight, so we will see how that goes too. Anyway! I am so excited for her! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!